Southern Snow

Southern Snow

It’s snowing down south. Not really. The phrase just popped into my head.  It’s something my mother used to say.  For the first few years, memories were painful.  Nowadays, I am happy whenever something tweaks recollections of her. The white pelicans have...
How to Cook Capelin

How to Cook Capelin

If you’re not from Newfoundland, you may be wondering, “What is a capelin?” This is like asking “What is a grit?”  (Cousin Vinnie made that mistake) I have never seen a single solitary capelin.  They only come in throngs—nay, droves!  It looks like the sea water has...
Suicide is a Meme

Suicide is a Meme

Anthony Bourdain.  Kate Spade.  Young doctors plunging from towers.  Such high profile cases grab our attention, but they are merely tips of an iceberg:  the epidemic of suicide.  What’s going on?  What were these people thinking? I wasn’t.  Thinking, that is.  I was...
(One of) My Worst Nightmare(s)

(One of) My Worst Nightmare(s)

An old medical joke compares the strategies that different types of doctors would use to stop a closing elevator door.  The internist would use his hand.  A surgeon, would be more leery of a hand injury, and so he would block it with his foot.  An orthopedist would...
Letter To My Father

Letter To My Father

May 17, 2018 Dear Dad, I had a nice trip up to Baltimore for Susie’s retirement party.  As you will recall, retirement is a bittersweet process, unplugging from a career that provided purpose and friendships.  I was so proud of my little sister.  People said so many...
The Shape of Toilet Water

The Shape of Toilet Water

I have not seen the movie, THE SHAPE OF WATER.  It wasn’t on the airplane playlist.  But It’s a very catchy title, so I have adapted it for my purposes. I’m not talking about the icky mess that requires a plunger.  The floaty ball in the tank failed to shut off the...