The COVID-19 pandemic has curtailed in person events. Fortunately, technology has provided other ways to remain connected.
American Academy of Otolaryngology Hall of Distinction
In October 2021, at the 125th Annual Meeting of the AAO/HNS, I was inducted as an inaugural member of the AAO/HNS Hall of Distinction, I was one of 12 surgeons recognized for long-term exceptional contributions to otolaryngology, 6 honored posthumously. We, the 6 living honorees, were invited to participate in a panel discussion: How Does the Past Inform the Future. Due to concerns about COVID-19, I did not attend in person, but gave my comments virtually.

In October 2020, I led a roundtable discussion with ENT doctors in Africa, regarding the impact of Covid-19 on their practice. Click here to read about it

Living and Writing in a Pandemic
A Panel Discussion organized by Writers of the World

Tom and I have not been able to teach at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center in Moshi, Tanzania during 2020, but we keep in touch with our colleagues there. Recently, KCMC celebrated its 50th Anniversary!

In January 2021, at the TriologicaI Society Meeting in San Diego, I received a Vice Presidential Citation from Dr. Al Merati
If the situation improves, I will be speaking at the rescheduled Voice Surgery conference in Madison, Wisconsin July 2022

Book Launch at Wharton County Public Library
Wharton Texas, Monday September 21st
October 19, Dallas, Texas
Keynote Speaker: Women as Leaders in Health Care
Health Care in Africa
Panel Discussion:
Dr. Gayle Woodson, Dr. Tom Robbins, Dr. Edem Agamah, June Agamah3 pm Sunday October 13 at SIU Cancer Center, Springfield, Illinois
Publication Celebration for AFTER KILIMANJARO
October 5, Balibar Wines and Finds, Merritt Island, Florida
Steven Gray Lecturer in Otolaryngology
25th Annual Utah Otolaryngology Update, University of Utah, June 21-22
“Neurological Disorders of the Voice”
9th Annual ENT for the PA-C CME Conference, April 3, 2019 Orlando, Florida
“Retiring from Surgery”
Panel Discussion, American Society of Geriatric Otolaryngology, Coronado, California, February 2019.
“Managing Complications of Phonosurgery”
15th BIENNIAL PHONOSURGERY SYMPOSIUM, University of Wisconsin Madison School of Medicine July 13, 2018,
“Truth, Heresy, and Paradigm Shifts”
44th Annual Baker Lecture, American Laryngological Association, National Harbor, Maryland, April 20, 2018,
“Voice Disorders in Children vs Adults”
Keynote Lecture, International Voice Workshop, Paris, France, June 22, 2017
“Teaching Otolaryngology in Africa: Sustainable Outreach”
Morrison Endowed Lecture in Head and Neck Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, March 17, 2016
“Work/Life Balance”
Candidate Section, American Laryngological Association, April 20, 2016, Chicago, Illinois
“Overcoming Gender Bias: Are We There Yet?”
4th annual Lee Ching Wu Anderson, M.D. Women in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Annual Leadership Lecture, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, October 21, 2015.
“Training Otolaryngologists in Africa”
University of California Irvine Otolaryngology Updates, Palm Springs, CA Feb 13-16, 2016.
“Women on the ENT Playing Field: Is It Level Yet?”
Canadian Otolaryngology Society, Winnipeg, Canada, June 8, 2015
“Breaking the Glass: My Academic Journey”
48th Annual Dallas B. Phemister Memorial Lecture, University of Chicago, April 29, 2015.
“The Larynx Is Not a Toaster”
34th Annual G Paul Moore Lecture, 43rd Annual Symposium on Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA, May 32, 2014
“Neurolaryngology: State of the Art”
Keynote Address, European Laryngology Society Workshop on Neurolaryngology, Hamburg, Germany, November 22, 2014.
“Evidence Based Surgery: Obstacles to Meaningful Data”
44th Brazilian Congress of Otolaryngology. Porto Alegre.Rio Grande do Sul, November 13th, 2014
“Women in Otolaryngology: Dr. Alford’s Legacy.
Baylor College of Medicine Otolaryngology Alumni Symposium. Houston, Texas, May 5, 2012.
“Laryngeal Synkinesis”
European Laryngological Society, Helsinki, Finland. June 15, 2012.
“Biology of Laryngeal Nerve Injury,”
Egyptian Society Ear, Nose, and Throat and Allied Sciences International Meeting, Marsa Alam, Egypt May 25 -26, 2011.
“Voice Rehabilitation after Treatment of Laryngeal Cancer,”
Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Mumbai, India, October 4, 2011.
“International Medical Outreach”
Illinois State Medical Society, Springfield Illinois, April 24, 2010.
“Women as Leaders in Medicine.”
Keynote Speaker, Illinois State Medical Society’s Women Physicians Forum” January 2008
“Gender Differences in Otolaryngology: Balancing Career and Family”
Society of University Otolaryngologists, Washington DC, November